Monday, August 19, 2013

Connecting with SJL on LinkedIn

The Social Justice League is about making a difference in the world, of course. It is also a great way to build skills for a lifetime of making a difference -- as volunteers, professionals, and students. See the SJL page on LinkedIn to connect with fellow SJL students and alumni on a professional level.

Friday, August 9, 2013

SJL LinkedIn

SJL has been around long enough now that alumni members are starting to find out how the SJL experience translates into lifelong activism -- both professional and voluntary. Some are working in their own neighborhoods, some are working for international organizations, some are in graduate school, some are ...
You get the picture. Getting involved in human rights stays with a person. We have created a LinkedIn group for current members and alumni to connect on a professional level. (It is called an "alumni" group because that is the closest category LinkedIn has -- it is really just as much for SJL world-changers who are still students.)

Read more at the "Why LinkedIn" article, and share your own experience and insights.